Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Lesser of Two "Truths"

Been a while since I've blogged.
Ah, how life gets in the way of how we want to ... live our lives.
While I was uplifted slightly by last Thursday's Presidential Debate.... strong, strong showing on Kerry's part and creepy, petulant showing on Bush's part ... tonight's Vice-Presidential Debate was a different story.
Both Kerry and Cheney stretched the truth.
I was impressed by Cheney's calm, compelling arguments - content almost didn't matter he was so smooth in his delivery.
However, I assume they debated sitting down due to Cheney's heart issues, which should disqualify him right off the bat.
They both seemed so intent on getting out their soundbites that they avoided ever solidly answering a single question.
Edwards came across stronger than he has in the past, but there were key things that made me wonder why he didn't stand up for the truth in a clearer way - I mean after Edwards said that 50% of African-Americans and 50% of Latinos are dropping out of high school - 50%!!!! - and then Cheney said again that test scores in minorities are getting "closer to the majority" I kept thinking that must be because they have LOST 50% of the students so of COURSE the test scores are going to get higher!
And at one point Cheney tried to use the scare tactic of people in our cities with nuclear bombs ready to use - and I thought if the administration in any way believes that's true then they sure as hell should be doing a better job at ports, airports, etc. As well as tracking down all the random bomb-building materials floating all over the world!