Saturday, July 23, 2005

Elvis' biggest fan...

I've actually expected this phone call for about a year, so there is no shock, only sadness, sadness, sadness.
Garnie passed away in her sleep last night.

I learned from Mom this morning that we have a history of not actually having funerals. (Garnie will be cremated and sent to Indiana to be placed in her plot.)
And since we're not a particularly religious bunch, it is more important than ever that we remember each other in our own way as we pass on to whatever is next.

Garnie, I am sorry you will be alone for that journey and want you to know that we are all thinking of you every second of the way.

Garnie was, for years, the aunt we visited in Arkansas. We flew on tiny plans with actual propellers (that I couldn't take my eyes off the entire time in case they stopped) over the Ozarks to get to her town. Mom and I shared a room with 2 twin beds and I can still remember her massive TV encased in wood and the heat, it was extremely hot there in the summer. I remember walking down the street to a small house where she got her hair done. (Similar to Dolly Parton's beauty shop in Steel Magnolia's if that helps.) There was the odd shed out back filled with Al's military gear and the garage filled with lots of cabinets.

Anyway, some time around 1995? Mom moved Garnie, ALL her belongings - furniture, dolls, romance novels and a car as big as a boat, full of Diet Cherry coke (that's another story) - up to 54 West Rock to live.

These years blend into each other, but Garnie became a fixture in our living room, sitting in her favorite chair (moved from Arkansas, of course) and surrounded by chocolate boxes, books, and opened boxes from QVC.

Every visit Garnie would show up downstairs, open her hands, which held 10-15 rings, and tell me to pipck 5. The next night she would appear with 10 different rings and tell me to pick 5. I now have these gorgeous, incredibly gaudy rings that I will wear, alone in my house, in her honor :)

Regardless of the hard times it was always a joy for me to come home for Christmas to both Mom and Garnie, Garnie has... had...... a sharp mind and an incredible sense of humor. I know Mom will say it's because I wasn't around enough, but I didn't see as much of the memory loss and change in personality as Mom did, so the last 2 years it was easier for me to believe that the same "Babe" (as she was known in her hey day) was still alive and well.

2 Xmas's ago I got her a stuffed Donkey from Shrek, which she loved. It really makes me smile that I was able to bring Donkey to her in person at Sea Crest this April, she had so few of her own things around her there, that I think she probably enjoyed him a little.

We love you. I love you. Chris loves you. Mr. C loved having the same birthday as you. Ros loved you and Sandra loved you. I think this shows that everyone you met was captured by your smile, your heart and your spirit.

I hope that spirit has found a beautiful place, somewhere that Elvis can visit often and sing to her, filled with Godiva chocolates, and racy books.

Bye Babe.

1 comment:

Squaresville said...

Bless her heart and bless YOUR heart. A touching tribute. Thank you for sharing.