Wednesday, July 26, 2006

From A to Z...

Don't fall out of your chairs, but yes I am actually posting!
We escaped the hazy heat of L.A. today and scampered across the border to Arizona, which is actually COOLER than L.A.!!
We're staying with friends (of BlondeAmbition blog fame) that have kindly accepted us into their home even though I have been off the grid for the past few months and have been incommunicado.
Just so we're clear, my incommunicado life style is still in full swing so if I owe you a phone call or an email please know that I love you and most likely miss you, but need a few months more of hermit time to completely regenerate back into the fun loving person you all know and adore (or at least humour.)
We ate at The Painted Horse and caught up on all the big news.
My thoughts are also with dear L.B. who hopefully kicked booty in tonight's drag BINGO game and had a wonderful birthday, sorry we missed it and please know we send big smooches.

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