Sunday, August 13, 2006

The Best Celebration of Over The Hedge Yet!!

My little cousin Devan's 8th birthday (EIGHT! I can't believe it!)
Check out the cake, how cute is that!!!
Our artists couldn't have done a better layout for RJ and Verne.

So we FINALLY found a portable air conditioner at Lowes today, thanks to Bethany Harnois who is also living in lack-of-air-conditioner-hell.
It took a half-hour for Mike to hook up the tube through the window and ta-daa we have cool air blowing!
Mom, if you are reading this I hope you're excited. On the down side we have less room in the office for the blow up bed, but on the up side you WILL have cool air blowing on you!
We're not saying we want any more of the 116 degree days, but we're ready if they come.

Here's an interesting thing - this week's "30 Days" was about an atheist living in a Chirstian household. They mentioned this theme park in Orlando .... no not the one that you all visited when you were twelve, but a whole new twist on the idea of "Holy rollers" :) It's called "The Holy Land Experience" and you too can experience it at
They crucify Jesus daily for you to experience live, yup that's right I said live crucifixion, fun day for the kids. Hey, maybe Mel Gibson can get a job as a reenactment Jesus if he washes out in Hollywood!

Gotta sign off for now - big day tomorrow - I have hand therapy in the morning and am helping my previous director on his new project, which should take a day or two.

See ya on the flip side.

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