Saturday, April 21, 2007

Loans that Change Lives

Upset about America's disinterest in foreign aid?

Then do it yourself.

There's a new link under my "Creative & Inspiring" banner.

I had lunch last week with some work friends and a woman who is working with our production designer on the museum board, an upcoming opera and a conference happening next year called 5D (I think) that links art, design, architecture and science all together. (Obviously there is a fifth topic that I'm forgetting... since it's called 5D.)

Anyhoo we had a lovely ladies lunch discussing the state of the world and the frustration of how little impact it feels one can make. Among many topics (you KNOW I brought up the TED conference and how infatuated I am with what they do!) Helen mentioned a program called Kiva that she and her son had discovered.

Kiva takes the idea of microloans and lets you actually pick what project and person you can afford to help out with a loan.

You can link to multiple NY Times articles from their site that lend it further credibility.

Most of the loans are repaid and most of the micro loans go to women to help raise their status in life...there's a very specific way you can reach out and help!

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