Saturday, March 24, 2007

The Little Girl Giant...

A surreal Royal de Luxe moment sent on from mon cherie Farrar.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

BE-WARE - TWO of my FAVORITE things...

Chris Ware AND This American Life!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

But I really just have friends - Dar Williams

'He's a quiet man,' that's all she said
And he's a thoughtful man
It's just he likes to keep his thoughts up in his head
And we finally meet, and she tries to draw him out a bit
She says 'He's writing something,
Hey now, why don't you talk about it?'
And he doesn't make a sound
He's just staring at his coffee
And I know there's all this beauty
And this greatness she'll defend
But I think it's in my friend
I have a friend in a bright and distant town
She's found a common balance
Where you do your work, and you do your love
And they pay you, and praise your many talents
Well I'm passing through, and we know we won't sleep
She laughs, puts up the tea
She says 'You know I think you remember every part of me.'
And the water starts to boil
And if I had a camera
Showing all the light we give
And showing where the light extends
I'd give it to my friends
Sometimes I see myself fine, sometimes I need a witness
And I like the whole truth
But there are nights I only need forgiveness
Sometimes they say 'I don't know who you are
But let me walk with you some'
And I say 'I am alone, that's all
You can't save me from all the wrong I've done.'
But they're waiting just the same
With their flashlights and their semaphores
And I'll act like I have faith and like that faith never ends
But I really just have friends

Maybe It's Hate, Probably It's Love

So the winter "cold" has dissapated in LA and left a faint whisper of a chill that's making it feel very fall-like. The leaves showering down around us adds to the feeling. As someone who lacks air conditioning I'm afraid to say it, but it's almost summer in LA. (Not that it was every really winter, we had two or so weeks in there when it got down to 39, our heat kicked out and the neighbors shaved their cat, but that was the coldest it ever got.)

I've been procrastinating all day from writing my resume. In all of my "adult" life (I feel as much an adult as LA feels the "cold") I've never had such a strong urge to throw my years of struggling and experience out the window and take up botany or street music or run home to my mom.

Dad told me last night not to let my emotions confuse the issue when assessing my deal at work. Easy said but almost impossible to do. Especially in today's world our jobs ARE our lives, we work longer hours than ever, the idea of working 9-5 is a joke. (I have friends who bartered those kind of hours and are considered to work PART-TIME.) We throw all of our hearts, minds and energy into moving up and moving forward (at least I did and I don't think I'm alone.) I even read some article today about a stylist who was quote as saying "What do I care, I'm 32, I don't have a boyfriend and I don't have children, why WOULDN'T I work all the time?!" Ummmm... maybe so you can fine time to FIND a boyfriend or HAVE children? But who am I to judge, I've basically done the same thing in my life and many of my friends have as well. We're having families much later than our parents, although sometimes I wonder if it is really by choice as we tell ourselves, or also because of need and circumstance. We chose to move to big cities and chose careers in intense, cut throat areas - neither of this things lend themselves to having the time, the money or the resources to have children and families. The people who seem to jump into it first mostly have families and parents close by to help financially and with babysitting.

Any way this is all running through my head as a accept (or don't accept) the deal at work - is it enough money to get us started, is it moving me forward fast enough that I will reach my goals before I have children, does that matter, I don't know...

All right I have to force myself out of this brain freeze and get going...

Thursday, March 15, 2007

More Hedge Plugs :)

"Brighter Discontent" By the Submarines

Although my definition might be slightly different I am definitely experiencing a Brighter Discontent...


Got a brand new roof above my head
All the empty boxes thrown away
I rearranged the place
A hundred times today
But the ordering of objects
Couldn't hide what's missing

All these things should make me happy
Make me happy to be home again
All these things should make me happy
Make me happy to be alone again

Got myself a bottle of red wine
Got a night of nothing else to do
I think I might know
What I really want
But is a brighter discontent
The best that I could hope to find?

Got a big black television set
Now I can watch just what I want
But I'm here staring up
At pictures on the wall
And where are you,
You're still stuck inside them all

All these things should make me happy
Make me happy to be home again
All these things should make me happy
Make me happy to be alone again

But love is not these belongings
That surround me
Though there's meaning
In the memories they hold
A breaking heart in an empty apartment
Was the loudest sound I never heard

Got a desk I'll write myself a note
Pretending that it came from you
On hotel stationary
From the time we first met
Whatever I can do cause
I won't throw my hands up yet

All these things should make me happy
Make me happy to be home again
All these things should make me happy
Make me happy to be alone again

But love is not these belongings
That surround you
Though there's meaning
In the memories they hold
A breaking heart in an empty apartment
Was the loudest sound I never heard

Well I'll be fine if
I dont look around me now
Too much for what's gone
If only I can wait here just a little while
And let time pass in my room

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Questions, questions, questions....

Another meeting at work today. I'm so sick of talking about me and yet it seems far from over. Whatever happened to someone offering a job, the job sounds interesting and you take the job. Blech.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Blogging during American Idol (watched on Tivo post workday)

Brandon - Forgot some words. Rough.

Melinda Doolittle is a-Doo-rable! She made a slightly boring song from the Wiz tons of fun and her reaction after, to Paula crying and to the audience, seems so genuine and floored.

Chris Sligh - the judges seem to HATE his song - Endless Love - I actually really liked his new arrangement of the song, it sounded more like Coldplay and more modern, maybe the judges should wake up to 2007 and the fact that there were songs written after 1962...

Gina - The judges reaction to her make me think that the live performances must come across a little different than they do over the tv. I think she picked the right Diana Ross song for her and seemed to have fun singing it.

Sunjaya Malakar - Why America, why?! Why is the sweet little guy still on the show? For his own sake he should have been cut before the top 12, it's only going to get more painful... speaking of painful, what's with his perm? What is a 17 year old boy doing with a perm? I love that Diana Ross asked HIM for a hug instead of the other way around! He obviously comes across as so so sweet and even she could tell.... she called him "pure love" and she told him he needed to move more... his dance moves kind of remind me of this strawberry shortcake dance that I learned from my strawberry video when I was like 6. As Mike says "Just put him in a GAP ad and get it over with."

Haley Scarnato - Ha! Please. But good job Simon, he was impressed with her vocals, that's a first. At least she followed Sunjaya so she'll come off well.

Phil Stacey - Oeuf. The head, the ears, the cheese.

Lakisha Jones - Kiki in the house!! Great dress too!

"Beat Box Blake" - Interesting. Don't tell one person that they are boring because they're just up there singing a classic song and then tell Blake that he doesn't need to reinterpret "Kepp me hanging on" in a very interesting modern way, that I don't know that I like or would listen to, but can respect and ackowledge that it is well done.

Stephanie Edwards - Wrong song, wrong arrangement.

Chris Henderson - Song didn't have a lot of impact. But he is RiDICulously adorable!! Simon is right though, if you take his charm out of the equation I wouldn't want to listen to this particular song.

Jordan - I fell asleep half way through her singing. Nuff said.
